Diary entries a bit thin this month; back to college; a foot of snow!; new club rooms.
462 miles
Sat Jan 1st 8 miles I got up late this morning and cycled to Pinner (to collect shopping) and then up to Gordon Prangley’s to meet the club. There was a very cold wind this morning and not many people about. Bought a new rear light glass.
Sun Jan 2nd 40 miles Met the club at Northwood and went out to Shenley for elevenses. A very cold day; it started to snow at Shenley and we decided to come home for lunch. A very pleasant ride, however, even though so cold.
Mon Jan 3rd 10 miles Up to the club rooms in the evening. Played snooker – and won. An extremely cold easterly wind today with the threat of snow.
Tues Jan 4th Heavy snow, did not get out.
Thurs Jan 6th 18 miles Really atrocious weather lately and I have not been able to get out on the bike. I got out ‘training’ this evening, however, as most of the snow had gone. I rode quite hard out to Stanmore and then home via Kenton, Wealdstone and Harrow, and I only suffered through lack of ‘wind’. A nice night but damp and cold.
Sat Jan 8th 11 miles Up to Pinner and then to Northwood in the morning. I called for Bob Harvey and then had coffee and a pint. I went round to Glyn’s [a College friend] in the afternoon and then out with Brian Huggins to Marlow – but in the car. A nice day.
Sun Jan 9th 54 miles Out on the club run to the Shanty at Bourne End for elevenses via Rickmansworth, Sarratt, Chipperfield and Bovingdon. Brian Major and I then left the club and rode out to Berkhampstead and thence to Chesham to the Ivy café in Amersham for a very good roast dinner. After lunch we continued on through Uxbridge to Hillingdon to the A.E.C. Pavilion at Southall to attend the AGM of the WLCA. It was a very good meeting and a nice sunny day, although still very cold.
Mon Jan 10th 16 miles Rode up to the club rooms via North Harrow, Headstone and Hatch End. A cold, wet night. Played snooker. I did not use my cape this evening and got wet – daft aren’t I?
Wed Jan 12th 18 miles The first day back at College. I went for a ride in the evening out to Uxbridge and home down the Western Avenue. An extremely cold night and a heavy frost all day.
Sat Jan 15th Six inches of snow on Thursday and more today. I have not been able to get out on the bike. Spent the day at the Zoo in Regent’s Park.
Sun Jan 16th Today saw a thaw and then torrential rain! It then froze solid in the evening to give half an inch of pack ice!
Mon Jan 17th 10 miles We have had nearly a foot of snow so far this year and it has been bitterly cold since the New Year. It was still very icy today and another inch of snow fell tonight. Nevertheless I rode up to the club rooms, but the roads were dangerous coming home.
Wed Jan 19th 18 miles I managed to get out on the bike this afternoon, but the roads were icy in places. There was still a lot of snow at Denham. It started to freeze again before I got home but I was glad to get out. My training is certainly restricted so far this year!
Sat Jan 22nd 15 miles Up to Pinner and Northwood in the morning and then for a short ride around. Made arrangements for tomorrow’s club AGM and the club run.
Sun Jan 23rd 43 miles Much warmer today. There were eight of us out on the club run. To Fred’s café at Amersham for elevenses. We then came home for lunch before going up to Nell’s café in the afternoon for the club’s AGM. The meeting went quite smoothly; there are many changes on the committee this year.
Mon Jan 24th 10 miles Club night – our last night at the Grange. We go to the Darby and Joan hut next week. I paid my club subscription for 1955 and took entries for the Harp R.C. hilly ‘100’ on February 13th.
Wed Jan 26th 32 miles I rode to college this morning – very enjoyable. Went last night to the West London Cycling Association’s date-fixing conference.
Fri Jan 28th 15 miles Cycled over to my sister’s flat in Wembley, ‘semi-training’. Home via Hatch End. A nice night but drizzle later.
Sat Jan 29th 11 miles Up to Northwood to meet the club. Roger Bingham is home [from the RAF] and is coming out on the club run tomorrow. We had our usual coffee in Northwood Hills.
Sun Jan 30th 71 miles A really pleasant, warm and sunny day today. Went out with the club for elevenses at the Southdown café in Taplow. I had a puncture here but it was soon mended. We then continued on through Slough, Windsor, Staines and Chertsey to Woking for dinner – against the wind. Since Brian Huggins and Paul Stratman had no lights, and several others wanted to get home early, we then rode home for tea. A very nice day indeed although I got the bonk!
Mon Jan 31st 10 miles The first night up at the new club rooms – much better and cheaper too! I gave the 1955 racing programme to Ken Meredith to be duplicated.
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