The poor old editor is appealling for contributions again. Alas, this was my experience in editing newsletters for my present and previous clubs. He even goes to the extent of suggesting topics, including a reference to the famous Cheddar Gorge incident which gave Tom Simpson his nickname.
The Northwood Wheelers were gifted three silver cups by Mr S. A. Chapman, though why isn’t stated (and the transaction itself seems to be reported quite formally!).
Some updates: two new members; an address correction; and the club ’30’ has its date changed.
Club Events - On the Spot reports by ‘Scoop’ (Nice to see a nom de plume in a club newsletter!)
In the Club ’25’ on 13th April, Alan Stratman did rather well, winning the event in 1:6:16, relegating Brian Major to second place. It seems as thought there was a deal of rivalry between the two! Ten club riders finished, though David Saunders did not! [ It turns out he didn’t get very far - I immediately went over the handlebars as my gear slipped when I was standing up]
The Club ’30’ was on 20th April. Blimey, Alan Stratman beat Brian Major again, by a narrow margin! Brian led to the turn but ended up recording 1:19:25 to Alan’s 1:19:02. David Saunders finished in third place with 1:22:22 (first on handicap). The tandem record was beaten by a pair of juniors.
Open events
In the Spelthorne ’25’, the Stratman/Major machine seemed to be upset by D. Speakman, who beat both of them. Another Northwood team rode in the Uxbridge CC Junior ’25’, with a performance which suggested good things from the club juniors.
Unfortunately things went a bit awry for the Northwood Wheelers’ team in the Norlond Combine ’25’ on 6th April. In scenes reminiscent of the disasters experienced by Team Grumpy, one rider got lost on the way to the start, a second punctured and third would prefer not to have his result publicised!
Also reported was the Northwood Wheelers’ debut at track racing (report by Brian Major). This was in the Slough Track League. The report is really encouraging for the Northwood riders who did seem to do pretty well!
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