A baffling article on intelligence?; Club roller event; more gossip from Ivor Storey.
Cover. Once again, a card cover featuring artwork by Frank Patterson. It’s asctually the same image as used for Issue 14! Eight pages of content.
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Editorial. Cover price raised to 6d, explained by the new covers, and having to purchase stencils and paper. The Club is also after a duplicator. Bob also ticks off an unidentified member who knocked a lady cyclist off her bike when leaving the club meeting. Members are advised to take more care!
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A list of Club Officials for 1954
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Report on the Club Dinner. This was held December 1953, which seems to have gone well. The cross-toasting seems amusing.
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This article is entitled
(The top lines haven’t stencilled properly)
I have to confess this article just leaves me baffled! It continues on page 8.
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The Club Events Programme. The Racing Secretary seems to be making something of an authoritarian stance about when entries are to be received!
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Runs List - This is the list of Sunday club runs for February and the first Sunday in March. A detailed listing of which cafe’s are visited.
More club gossip from Ivor Storey, including a letter from Ivor’s ‘sister’ Uva Storey.
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Ivor Storey continues in the usual vein on page 7! I am taking a dislike to him after his grumping about tandems - but then again I don’t take the tandem out on club runs!
Club Roller Contest - Sounds like a lively event. Alan Stratman won the Chapionship with a total of 10 points - first in the 880 yards scratch, first in the 440 yards flying start time trial (15 1/3 secs).
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Club Roller Contest, continued. A bit illegible, but I can see Roy Turner did the fastes time in the 880 yards, 35 seconds.
Colin Turner came second with 6 1/2 points
Oh gosh, more from Ivor Storey!
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