Page count now 7 pages; track racing on the up; darts tournament; 63" '10' results; racing calendar; part two of The Wantage Story.
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The ninth issue of the club newsletter, now styled as the Club Magazine, is holding its own, at seven pages. Bob Harvey is obviously a bit relieved. He also credits Fred Reynolds for the duplicating.
Club-room Gossip
The track racing seems to be taking hold, with seven members having taken out track licences for 1953; the ladies want events; the juniors want inter-club events. I wish my present club was this keen on racing!
There’s an upcoming darts tournament, with a prize of a vouvher for 6/- for Prangley’s bike shop. The club is marshalling the Norlond ’25’, and members able to help are to contact Colin Turner. I have organised a Norlond ’25’ in the past. Getting anyone to marshal was a real pain, and the clubs to provide marshals didn’t exactly cover themselves with glory. I can sense these things may not end up well (and indeed elsewhere in these newsletters there are explicit complaints).
Four new members, two seniors and two juniors. Nice to see the club growing…I assume those joining exceeded those leaving!
Good old Ivor Storey is back. He’s spreading some rumour about one of the slower racing members seeking a young rich widow, with some claim that Colin Turner’s racing success follows his matrimonial status, probably via quality grub.
Brian Huggins is enjoying himslef in the fire section of the RAF. National Service? Apparently he always was good at burning things up - presumably a reference to his cycling style!
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Ivor continues with some stuff about old boys and flat bars, and some story about women drivers. Oh, and he is preserving his anonymity!
Snowdrift - the third and final part of the Cheddar Gorge story, by G.M. Empson. The first two parts are transcribed here. It comes to a close on page 3.
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Racing Results
The results of the 63” ’10’. Colin Turner won by a comfortable margin. I don’t think I’d be able to cover 10 miles in 27:40 in a 63” gear. His legs must have been whirling at some speed! Indeed ther eis a comment that Colin was the first holder of the ‘Twiddlers Cup’. (Wheter that was a real trophy I don’t know…)
More from Ivor Storey: one of the club’s ladies won first prize in a lovely legs competition. I have some doubt of the veracity of a lot of these tidbits, but I suppose those were different times. The lady cyclists I know wouldn’t have much truck with a lovely legs competition!
Pages 4-5
The club racing calendar, with club events on page 4 (loads of them, up to 12 hours!), and Association events on page 5.
Pages 6-7
Part 2 of the Wantage Story, By David Saunders. How he made it home before his club mates!
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