Four Herige Men Break Record
Four riders broke the Wealdstone-Herige club's 30 - miles record when a club event over that distance was held on Sunday. The fastest was R. Robinson, whose time was 1h 19m. 4s and the others were R. Little 1h 19m. 59s, T. Norris. 1h 20m 45s, and I. Hooper 1h 20m 51s. Most riders improved on their times for the distance.
The winner of the Jackson Cup for the ladies' annual 10-miles events was Gwen Peacock — it was her third successive win in the race. Her time was 29m 24s, four seconds behind her was Jean Lewis. After the racing members rode to Downley, Bucks, for lunch, and on to Bray for tea. The ride home was via Maidenhead, Burnham Beeches and Denham. Cyclists are always welcomed at Grimsdyke School on Tuesday evenings or at the Wealdstone Memorial Clock on Sundays at 9 a.m.
Harrow In Interclub "25"
An inter-club 25 miles road time-trial was contested on Sunday between the Harrow and Rickmansworth C.C. and the Northwood Wheelers. Although the "Ricky" club provided the fastest individual rider in J. David, the Northwood Wheelers won the team event by exactly a minute.
Northwood Wheelers team: C. Turner lh. 3m. 34s., A. Browne. lh. 5m. 5s., B. Major lh. 5m. 44s., total 3h. 14m. 23s. Harrow and Rickmansworth team: J. David 1h. 3m. 3s., R. Eddings 1h. 5m. 58s., L. Darwood lh. 6m. 12.: total 3h. 15m. 23s. In a recent event at Paddington track, Miss Margaret Nunn. a Harrow
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